Two men lubricate an electrical cable in a trench as it goes into a conduit underground. A few workers help the cable off the reel in the background.

Make cable pull planning faster,
easier, and more collaborative.

Experience the advantage of the all-new Polywater® Pull-Planner™ (5.0) cable installation planning software. More than a calculator, the Pull-Planner helps realize the feasibility of challenging cable-in-conduit installations.

Watch Overview Video

The Polywater Pull-Planner displayed on a TV, laptop, desktop computer, and tablet device. Beneath that image is the Polywater Pull-Planner logo that reads, " Polywater Pull-Planner 5.0. Cable Installation Planning Software.

Estimate cable pulling tension, sidewall pressure, and coefficient of friction in a more intuitive way.

The new Pull-Planner gives users all the great calculations and features that they have come to rely on from the previous versions of the software, but with a powerful platform upgrade. The software has been rebuilt from the ground up to allow more possibilities for users today and in the future. The Pull-Planner optimizes cable pulls by:

  • Providing a best-in-class technical resource that improves the accuracy of complex, large­scale cable pulling projects.
  • Simplifying pull tension calculations, while helping to anticipate and navigate challenges and providing documentation.
  • Recommending optimized cable-pulling lubricant quantity.
  • Offering a range of coefficients of friction based on conduit, cable jacket, and lubricant information entered.

Get ahead of potential cable damage with the new Polywater Pull-Planner.

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A quote on a blue background that says, "We have used Polywater Pull-Planner for four years now. Every cable that we have installed following a pull plan, we have had no issues with the cable. - Greg Taylor, The Newton Group"

Solution Story: The Polywater Pull-Planner helps maximize cable pulling distances.

When it comes to cable-in-conduit installations, there are many known factors. However, there is one critical unknown factor at the core of every cable installation project—Coefficient of friction or COF. Learn how Polywater helped an electrical construction company calculate and safely reduce COF to maximize their cable installation project.

Watch Video

The advantages of the new Polywater Pull-Planner.

The new Pull-Planner (5) is cloud based. This allows users to login and access it from any device via a web browser. And the new Pull-Planner is project-focused which means that a team within a company can have multiple registered users collaborate on the same cable-in-conduit installation project. Additional advantages of the Pull-Planner:

  • An updated user interface with easy and intuitive interactions.
  • Enhanced pull-plan report document that incorporates cable and lubricant spec sheets.
  • Stores a personalized database of cable specifications and pull data.
  • Extensive COF database including multiple cable jacket and conduit types
  • Accommodates different pull methods and field conditions—variable friction, rollers, reverse pulls, tension back calculation, push/pull devices, and more.
  • Measurements presented in pounds (lbf), kilonewtons (kN), and kilograms (kgf).
  • An annual Polywater support meeting and updates.
  • Multiple languages.

Learn more about the advantages of using the new Polywater Pull-Planner. Watch the Quick Start Video.

Watch Quick-Start Video

Are you Running Polywater
Pull-Planner 4.0 and need Support?

We are here to help assist you on your version 4.0 of the software.
Please fill out the contact form completely with your inquiry
and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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How do I upgrade to Polywater
Pull-Planner 5.0?

Are you ready to jump into Pull-Planner version 5.0 but have some specific questions? Please fill out the contact form completely with your inquiry and
we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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